Accident history of the Titanic

RMS Titanic (also SS Titanic) was the second of three super-passenger ship that aims to initiate the trip trans-Atlantic commerce. Owned by the White Star Line and built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard, the Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world at the time of its release. At first voyage, Titanic struck an iceberg at 23:40 (ship time), Sunday, April 14, 1912, and sank about two hours and forty minutes later at 2:20 Monday morning.
The disaster resulted in the deaths of more than 1,500 people, and make it as the worst marine disaster in history during the era and until now most famous. Titanic is equipped with most advanced technology in those days and lay people believe that he "can not possibly sink". He was very surprising to many people that even with modern technology and an experienced crew, Titanic still sank with a high number of deaths. Mass media excitement about the Titanic's famous victims, the legends about what happened on board, resulting in legislation replaced the sea, and the discovery of the ship that broke out in 1985 by troops led by Jean-Louis Michel and Robert Ballard Titanic made famous in the next year .
Titanic is a passenger ship owned by White Star Line, built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Northern Ireland, designed to compete with Cunard's Lusitania and Mauretania Line. Titanic, along with her twin sister ship Olympic, Olympic and Britannic which will be created (originally named Gigantic, aims to become the largest and most luxurious ship ever built. Making the RMS Titanic, funded by the American JP Morgan and his International Mercantile Marine Co.., began on March 31, 1909. Titanic's hull is finished manufactured on May 31, 1911, and outfitting was completed on March 31 next year. Titanic along 269 meters (882 feet 9 inches) and 28 meters (92 feet 6 inches) wide, dead weight 46,328 tons, and the height of the water surface to the deck as high as 18 meters (60 feet). Although he covers a lot of space and with a large dead weight, the Titanic is as long as the Olympic boat. Titanic is equipped with two four-cylinder engine, three-rotor blades, and one low pressure Parsons turbine that drives the three propellers. There are 29 boiler is heated by a coal furnace 159 is capable of producing speeds up to 23 knots (43 km / h). Only three of the four chimneys tall ships 19 meters (63 feet ) functioning; the fourth chimney is used as air holes, and to show the greatness of the ship. Titanic capable of carrying 3547 passengers and crew, because he also sent a letter, the name given the addition of the preposition RMS (Royal Mail Ship) as well as ship steam - SS (Steam Ship).
At that time, facilities and luxury can not be matched. It offers a swimming pool, gymnasium, Turkish bath, library and squash arena. The main class room decorated entirely with wood paneling, plush furnishings and other beautiful jewelry. He offers three passenger elevators to be used and the main class, an innovation at that time, one lift for second-class passengers.
Titanic regarded as the pinnacle of naval architecture and technological achievement. He is considered by the magazine as a ship Ship Builders are "almost impossible to sink." Titanic was divided into 16 watertight room with doors that give an electric lock and will close at the push of a button from the deck on boats, though, the bulkhead does not impede the overall height of the ship deck (only up to Deck-E). Titanic could float well despite the two living room filled with water or water filled the first four parts; if more than that then it will sink.
Maiden voyage Titanic started her maiden voyage from Southampton, England, en route to New York City, New York, on Wednesday, April 10, 1912, under the control of Captain Edward J. Smith. When the Titanic left the place berlabuhnya moves, the waves generated by the vessel causing New York's passenger ship, which docked nearby, to break the rope tambatnya and attracted almost (about 4 feet) from the Titanic before the ship left New York's delay. The incident only stopped after one hour. After crossing the English Channel, the Titanic stopped at Cherbourg, France, to reduce and take additional passengers and stopped again at Queenstown (known today as Cobh), Ireland, before continuing the voyage to New York with 2223 passengers.
Titanic passenger has three parts separated classes. Also known as third-class deck, consisting of a small cabin on the lower deck, mostly filled by immigrants from the English who expect a better life in America. Second-class cabins and rooms, located on the back, has the same facilities with first class on other ships. Most second-class passengers on first class on other ships but, due to unavailability of coal, then transferred to the Titanic. The main class is part of the most luxurious ship.
Some of the famous people who participated yachting as first-class passengers. These included millionaire John Jacob Astor and his wife Madeleine Force Astor; refinery owner Benjamin Guggenheim; owner of Macy's, Isidor Straus and his wife Ida; Denver millionaire Margaret "Molly" Brown; Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon and his wife Lady Lucille Duff-Gordon; George Elkins Widener and his wife Eleanor; John Borland Thayer, his wife Marian and their son who was seventeen, Jack; journalist William Thomas Stead; Countess of Rothes; presidential aide Archibald Butt, USA; author and community leader Helen Churchill Candee; author Jacques Futrelle, and his wife May, and their colleagues, editors Broadway Henry and Irene Harris; silent film actress Dorothy Gibson, and others. Join together in class the other main business editor J. White Star Line Bruce Ismay who planned to construct the Titanic and the ship's builder Thomas Andrews, who participated together to monitor all the problems and assess the overall performance of the new vessel.
Havoc On Sunday night, April 14, the temperature dropped to nearly freezing stage and the sea calm. Moon did not come out and clear skies. Captain Smith, iceberg warnings received via wireless over a few days ago, has transformed the Titanic's course slightly to the south. On Sunday at 13:45 local time, an employee of the wireless communications from the steamer Amerika warned that large icebergs in Titanic's path, but the warning was never relayed to the bridge. That evening, another report on a large iceberg that much, this time from the Mesaba, also failed relayed to the bridge.
At 23:40 local time when sailing south of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, lookouts Fredrick Fleet and Reginald Lee spotted a large iceberg right in front of the ship. Fleet sounded the ship loceng three times and called the deck guards to tell, "Iceberg, right ahead!" First Officer Murdoch directing the steering wheel to the left and reduce speed, then backing the boat engines. The collision was inevitable, and the iceberg is rubbing against the right side of the ship, and ripped the hull in the first four sections and break the steel spikes on the bottom of a closed vessel along the water surface about 91 m (300 feet). The new water-tight door managed to close the meeting when the water has entered the first five parts of water-resistant, more a part of what can be retained in order not to sink the Titanic. Weight five sections into which the water impermeable pull the boat down the wall height exceeds the water-resistant, then the water entered the rest. Captain Smith, felt the shocks blow it, when he got to the deck and ordered the guards to stop completely. After examination by the ship's officers and Thomas Andrews, aware that the Titanic would sink, and after midnight on April 15, the lifeboats to be prepared and notified emergency calls.
The first rescue boat, down at 00:40 local time on the right with text only 28 people were passengers on it. Titanic carry 20 lifeboats with a full capacity of 1178 passengers. Although not sufficient to carry all passengers and crew, Titanic carry enough lifeboats and life jacket because the regulations set by the Institute of British Rule. At that time, the number of lifeboats required determined by the weight off the ship, rather than the number of passengers carried.
The main and second class passengers can easily reach the lifeboats with steps leading on to the boat deck but third-class passengers more difficult. Many found the corridors leading from the bottom of the ship elusive and difficult for them to get to the lifeboats. Even worse, third-class passengers when the door is locked by a crew waiting to allow passengers up to the deck. Titanic's reported position at 41 ° 46 'N, 50 ° 14' W. The wreck was found in 41 ° 43 'N, 49 ° 56' W.
Wireless radio operator Jack Phillips and Harold Bride busy sending CQD, the distress call. Several ships responded, including Mount Temple, Frankfurt and Titanic's sister ship, Olympic, but everything is too far away to reach before the Titanic sank. The closest ship was Cunard Line's RMS Carpathia which as far as 93 kilometers (58 miles) and only about four hours too long to save more than half the passengers because the ship was sinking Titanic. The only land that received Titanic's distress call is a wireless station at Cape Race, Newfoundland.
At first, reluctant to leave the Titanic's passengers to board the lifeboats are small because the Titanic felt safer and there is no sign of any being is in danger or drowning. This causes most of the lifeboats off with half empty one boat capable of carrying 40 passengers get off with just 12 passengers on it.
"Women and children first" priority for boarding the lifeboats, the second officer Lightoller, who fill the lifeboats on the left, allow only men are required as a rower and not for any other reason; although there are still vacant places. First Officer Murdoch, who fill the boat on the right, allows men to increase if the woman no one wants to ride again. When the ship sank, the passengers began to worry and partially rescue boat filled with passengers released. At 02:05 local time, the entire front of the bow of the ship sank beneath the water, and except for two boats, all the other lifeboats had been lowered.
Around 02:10 local time, the rear of the ship lifted off the surface of the water showing the bottom of the boat, rudder, and propeller ship, and at 02:17 local time the surface of the water flooding the boat deck. The situation worsened during the last two lifeboats floated from the deck, one inverted and one half has been filled with water. Not long after, the chimney at the front fell, crushing some deck guards and those floating in the water. On deck, the passengers ran toward the back or jump into the sea, hoping to get to the lifeboats. The back of the ship slowly lifted up, and goods that are not tied to falling into the sea. When the rear of the ship is raised, the system eletrik dead and the lights going out. Not long after, on the hull that would not hold the load resulted in the Titanic broke into two parts between the last two chimneys, and the front of the sink completely. The back of the ship directly tehempas back on the water surface and lifted upright. After a few moments, at 02:20 local time, everything is sinking into the sea.
From some 2223 passengers, only 706 survivors; 1517 passengers were killed. Most passengers were killed because the victim exposed to hypothermia in water 28 ° F (-2 ° C). Only two of the 18 lifeboats returned to rescue the victim from the water after the ship sank. Rescue boat number four back and save the five people, two of whom later died. Almost an hour later the number fourteen lifeboats back and rescue the four passengers in which one passenger later died too. Another passenger who managed to climb the lifeboats that float from the deck. There is debate among the survivors. some passengers who survived the initiative to go back, but most survivors afraid if they will sink the lifeboats as a result ridden victims who tried to mount them or pulled by a boat that sank the Titanic, even though only a little tug there. Victims in the lifeboats.
Both parts of the ship sinking in a different way. The front of the dug approximately 609 m (2,000 feet) below the sea floor and landed with a bit slowly. While the back of the sink quickly into the ocean floor; hull spilled as a result there is air trapped inside the ship. The back of the ship hit the bottom at high speed, sinking deep into the mud. [Edit] Saved
Nearly two hours after the Titanic sank, RMS Carpathia arrived on the scene and took the lifeboats first. Within a few hours later, those still alive be saved. On the deck of the Carpathia, a short fervent prayer for which they are saved and to commemorate those who perished was held, and at 8:50 AM, Carpathia headed to New York, and until April 18.
When people are given compensation, White Star Line ship MacKay-Bennett hired to evacuate the bodies. Some 338 bodies were eventually found. Most of the bodies were evacuated to Halifax, Nova Scotia, while an unknown corpse interred in Fairview Cemetery.
The impact after the event When news of the disaster spread, many people are surprised that the Titanic had sunk with the death toll is so high even though equipped with advanced technology. Newspapers full of news and overview of the disaster and they did not stop to get the latest news. Many charity box was made to help the victims and their families, many who lost a breadwinner, or in the case of third class passengers, all goods which they have sunk.
Sinking of the ship gave a profound impact on the population of Southampton. According to the Hampshire Chronicle on 20 April 1912, nearly 1,000 local families directly affected. Almost every street in the Chapel area of ​​the city lost more than one population of nearly 500 homes lost and families.
Before the victim who was saved up to New York, the examination has been made to find out what happened to the Titanic, and what can be done to avoid a repeat of the incident. Senate of the United States began the examination of the Titanic disaster on April 19, the day after the Carpathia arrived in New York with the survivors. Inquiry chairman, Senator William Alden Smith, wanted to collect the testimony of passengers and crew while still fresh in their memories. Smith also British citizens require a written call for the court when they were still in the Americas. U.S. examination lasted until May 25, Lord Mersey was appointed to chair the Council for Trade in UK investigation of the accident. Examination of England took place between May 2 and July 3. Each examination took the opinion of both passengers and crew of the Titanic, and ABK Californian and other experts.
Investigators found many safety regulations were outdated and with various new safety measures put in place. Both inspection of the accident found the captain and the ship Californian failed to provide reasonable assistance to the Titanic. The examination found that the Californian is closer to Titanic within 31 km (19.5 miles) The unfortunate by Captain Lord and that Lord should have awakened the wireless operator after firing flares were reported to him. Due to the Californian wireless operator is not on duty, 29 countries ratified the Deed of Radio 1912, which equates to radio communications, especially in a state of danger.
Disaster have promoted the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea in London, England, on 12 November 1913. On January 20, 1915, agreement signed by the organization and result in the establishment and financing of the International Ice Patrol, U.S. Coast Personnel agency that to this day to monitor and report the location of the iceberg of the Atlantic that could become a threat to trans-Atlantic sea lanes. Also approved the new regulations that all passenger ships need to have sufficient lifeboats for all passengers on board, and appropriate safety training is done, and all radio communications are controlled 24 hours a day with a second control center, so as not to miss an emergency call. In addition, it was agreed that a red flare shot from the ship should be regarded as a sign of emergency and danger.


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