10 accidents mortallyest in history

a lot of accident that in all the world. i don't know at sea at land and also on the air. but between that accident only 10 accidents mortallyest in history. like in title on, because tenth it accident mortallyest.
1. chernobyl - 200 milliards
on 26 aprils 1986, world watchings costliest accident in history. chernobyl disaster that called biggest sosial-ekonomi history disaster at peacetime. 50% from vast area ukraina in a few manner ketularan. more than 200.000 person forced evacuated and temporary residence 1,7 million one who directly is hitted disaster impact. death mengaitkan with chernobyl toll, belong people who dies because cancer year then, estimated at 125000. total cost belongs cleanup, transmigration,  and compensation to victims has been estimated to have come to around 200 milliards. place steel new cost for nuclear plants chernobyl cost 2 milliards. accident officially mengaitkan with operator plants power that break procedure and ignorant plants that is need welfare rules.

2. space shuttle columbia - 13 milliards
space shuttle columbia first at proper space shuttle nasa's orbital fleet. he is crashed moment enter to return to pass texas on 1 february 2003 after hole has been jabed at one of [the] wing has begun during 16 previous days. original cost shuttle was 2 milliards in the year 1978. incoming to 6,3 dollar milliards at today. 500 million taked in quest, be costliest aeroplane accident investigation in history. livelihood and cost ruins restoration 300 million.
in the end, accident total cost (doesn't belong replacement shuttle) comes to 13 milliards follows american institute of aeronautika and astronautics.

3. prestige oil spill - 12 milliards
on 13 novembers 2002, gasholder truck presstige that bring 77.000 heavy oil fuel ton when one of the twelve tanks burst moment storm off galicia, spain. afraid that ship will sink, called captain to help to resque worker from spain, expect them to take ship to port. but, pressure from in charge side that forced to lead ship captain far from coast. captain that try to get france aid and authoritative portuguese,  but also command their ship far from coast. storm final bring tolls at ship is produced in half tank tickles and release it 20 million oil gallon to sea.
follow report by council pontevedra economist, total cost cleanup 12 milliards.

4. challenger explosion - 5,5 milliards
space shuttle challenger crashed 73 second after takeoff because in 28 januaries 1986 caused by defect o-ring. he fails postage one of [the] hinge, make possible to achieve gas is given air pressure outside. this is in turn causes external tank to dump its payload liquid hydrogen that causess big explosion. replacement cost space shuttle was 2 milliards in the year 1986 (4,5 dollar milliards at this day). investigation cost, correction problem,  and that device replacement cost 450 million 1986-1987 (1 billion on this day dollar).

5. piper alpha oil rig - 3,4 milliards
unsightly at world off-shore disaster oil. in one time, he is at world one biggest oil producers, spewing from 317.000 oil barrel per day. in july 6, 1988, as part from routine treatment,  and technician is wiped off mencentang important valve welfare in prevents dangerous well from liquid gas. found 100 identical valve welfare mencentang. unfortunately, technician does error and forget to replaced one of them. in 10 evening same, a technician that begin button is depressed for liquid pump and gas at oil costliest world rig that accident moves.
during 2 clocks, 300 foots platform engulfed in fire. that is final collapse, menewas 167 workers and cause 3,4 milliards at damage.

6. exxon valdez - 2,5 milliards
oil exxon valdez spilled not big in the hook with world spills biggest oil, but this matter is one expensive because location far from prince william sound (only can be accessinged by helicopter and ship). on 24 marches 1989,10,8 million oil gallon has fallen when monsieur ship, yusuf hazelwood, left control and ship crashed be reef. the cleanup cost exxon 2,5 milliards.

7. b-2 bomber crash - 1,4 milliards
here we have we are accident dollar milliard first (and we only 7 in list). this is b-2 stealth bomber crashed soon after take from a airbase at guam in 23 februaries 2008. disgrace earcher piuh data in computer control aviation that caused by aqueous vapour in system. this matter causes aeroplane suddenly make nose bergerak-up that made b-2 crash and cafe. this 1 from only 21 ever built and be part costliest in accident aviation history. second pilot can to ejaculate for welfare.

8. metrolink crash - 500 million
in 12 septembers 2008, in what be one other unsightly at california crash history carriage, 25 person killed when a train metrolink commuter crashed kepala-on into uni carriage delivery pacific at los angeles. this matter is of opinion that carriage metrolink may be is run to pass text message busy conductor temporary red signal. wrong death lawsuits supposed causess 500 million for loss at metrolink.

9. tank truck vs bridge - 358 million
on 26 augusts 2004, a car collided with full tank truck 32.000 fuel litre at bridge wiehltal at german. tank crashed pass guardrail and fall 90 foots at part a4 autobahn produced in a big explosion and crashed fire beban-bearing bridge ability. temporary repair cost 40 million and cost to replaced bridge is estimated in 318 million.

10. titanic - 150 million
sink at titanic accident possibility famousest at world. but recently we make list top 10 costliest. on 15 aprils 1912, the titanic sank in first voyage and assumed luxuriousest ocean liner ever built. more than 1.500 person loses when does ship run to be a ice mount and dived in cold water


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